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Gone are the days of randomly running into friends in public. We are now in the age of Zoom calls and virtual meetings––in order to be there for others, we have to be intentional about doing so.

Today, consider reaching out to a friend you haven’t spoken to in some time. Pray for a co-worker you haven’t seen in a while. If someone voices a concern on social media, shoot them a message to see if you can help.

You never know what people are going through these days––we’re all new to this. Be wary of how social distancing impacts your relationships. Now it is more important than ever to be proactive about starting and maintaining connections with people.

Why is this critical now? Due to the novelty of the virus, many are fearful about what the future holds. It’s a joy that we have hope through Jesus, and during this season we can take time to listen to others and share this hope with them.

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  • GoBU

Since January 2017, GoBU’s mission has been to provide transformative Hip Hop content, media arts education and the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to a generation that is immersed in Hip Hop culture. GoBU has not only become a digital platform that streams cutting-edge Christian Hip Hop & R&B, accessible via our downloadable app, we’ve also had the privilege of serving students in Houston's Greater Third Ward schools. It is in the Third Ward area where we've developed several strategic partnerships with the likes of the YWCA and Agape Development, and where we have started a movement of creatives promoting purpose with a kingdom perspective.

  • GoBU

Since January 2020, GoBU has been working behind the scenes with a program based at Houston's First Presbyterian Church ("FPC") called “Project Flourish.” If I had to provide an example, Project Flourish is similar to the TV show "Shark Tank" but with a lot less, "Shark", and much more "Heart". Throughout this program, GoBU's leadership team received training on how to write business plans, pitch our ideas, and reach a wider audience.

At the end of the program, along with thirteen other participants, we conducted a final pitch in hopes of being sponsored. We are proud to announce that we were one of the award winning teams! We are so honored and excited to have the support and guidance of the @FPCHouston community, and we can not wait to impact the community even more! Great things are coming in 2020!

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